Quality Policy

ISPSC is a government-owned State College mandated to provide education in the area of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, arts and trades, commercial and social services, information technology and engineering and hotel and restaurant management.
ISPSC’s strategic direction is to become a premier State College in the country that is strong in research and extension envisioned to produce students that are board topnotchers and achieve 100% passing rate in the National Competency Assessment.
We commit to achieve this by strengthening and effectively implementing our values “PRAISE” through our Quality Management System (QMS):
- Productivity - we “work smart” by optimizing the use of resources as input to our processes and turn them into a greater and value-adding output for our student and internal clients.
- Resiliency - we utilize our skills and strengths to overcome challenges in order to deliver client’s expectations.
- Accountability - ISPSC and its employees are one in delivering our commitment to meet business needs through imparting the required knowledge to our students.
- Ingenuity - we use our inventive skills to provide a cost-effective solution to our day to day challenges.
- Synergy - we drive excellence through the spirit of teamwork within our organization and continuing collaboration with all partner agencies, sponsors and stakeholders, parents, alumni and communities.
- Excellence - we “think global but we act local” striving to have a global orientation, borderless perspective, equal opportunities, empowerment, and transformation, multi-tasking and leading by example.